

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843




教师主导的项目、交流项目和合作伙伴项目. Each of these 程序 types provide their own unique experiences based on your course and travel preferences. 通过研究领域筛选,你可以很容易地找到 为特定学科的兴趣而设计的课程. Read the descriptions below to learn more about our 程序 types and decide which is the ideal 程序 for you. 虽然你并不局限于这些程序, they have been carefully selected to help fulfill OU course requirements:


All 程序s approved for course credit will qualify participating students as officially enrolled at OU for the purposes of applying for federal financial aid to help cover study abroad 程序 costs.


我们最受欢迎的节目! Travel, live, and study with other OU students, on a 程序 taught by an OU faculty member. 的se 程序s are typically between 10 days and four weeks in length over the summer or during semester breaks. 你想去探索拉丁美洲的雨林吗, 参加了中东的考古发掘, 看看激发哈利波特灵感的地方, 开展以非洲公共卫生为重点的研究, 或者与欧洲金融之都的商界领袖会面? 开放大学教师主导的项目适合你! 因为你是跟团旅行,所以一切都是由OU安排的. 的se 程序s are appropriate for all students – even if you’ve never left Michigan before – and their short lengths and low costs make them attractive options for students who work or have other obligations here. Click the 教师-led Programs tab on the left for more information about each of these 程序s.


Exchange 程序s offer the most independent study and travel experience. 您将在我们的国外合作大学之一注册并学习, studying alongside students from your destination country for one semester or for a full academic year. 你将支付开放大学的学费,并获得开放大学的学分. You may live in a dorm, in a homestay with a local family or in an apartment. 大多数交换生都专注于流利地使用另一种语言, but you can also take all your courses in English at one of our partners in Malta or England. Our specialized exchange 程序 in Germany for mechanical engineers is taught in English too. 因为在交换期间,你将支付正常的开放大学学费, 交换项目通常是非常实惠的选择. 了解更多韦德体育app官网每个交流项目的信息, 单击左侧的交换项目选项卡.

你也可以在美国境内交换学习(包括美国学生).S. )和加拿大的国家学生交换计划. This 程序 gives you the opportunity to study at a different university for a semester or a year while staying in the comfort of your home country.


Partner 程序s are coordinated by external educational organizations that partner with OU to offer you, 学生们, 尽可能多的节目. Through these 程序s, you can still use your OU financial aid, receive OU credit, and OU grades. OU的合作伙伴包括CIEE、地理、JCMU和USAC. Here, you will study and travel with students from all over the United States.

  • CIEE offers a diverse portfolio of short-term and traditional semester study abroad options in many academic disciplines. 选择语言课程或商业课程, 设计, 新闻, STEM课程等等. 你可以在CIEE中心学习,也可以直接在国外的大学学习.
  • 地理 offers students academically rigorous and thematically diverse study abroad 程序s at centers in Europe, 非洲, 亚洲, 和美洲. 地理 offers particularly good options for students interested in learning Spanish, French, or Italian.
  • JCMU 是密歇根大学日本中心, 在彦根的一个校园, 志贺县, 日本, 旨在建立和加强日本人之间的关系, 美国人, 每个民族的人. JCMU's 程序s give students the opportunity to study language and culture on the shore of Lake Biwa while participating in the community of the City of Hikone.
  • USAC provides students with life-changing opportunities to live and learn in countries around the globe. USAC有50多种经济实惠的, 26个国家的真实留学项目, 并努力提供充足的参与机会, 全球公民. USAC的所有课程都直接由国外大学主办, giving you the best opportunity to integrate into the life of your destination country. Many of our USAC 程序s are also among the most affordable 程序s we offer.

Begin browsing 程序s based on 程序 type, term offered, major, and location by using the 搜索程序 页面. When you are ready to start your application, just click the Apply button on your chosen 程序.

开始你的旅程,来我们的 上门咨询时间, 1 – 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday, no appointment necessary, or make an appointment to 咨询顾问 (亲自或虚拟). 你也可以在 我们在OC的桌子 从12点到2点.m. 在秋季和冬季学期的周三. 我们的同行顾问, 有海外留学经历的公开大学学生, 准备好帮助你完成这个过程了吗.


作为一种音乐, 戏剧舞蹈专业, you’ll grow your knowledge with study abroad opportunities across the globe:

  • 加纳的全球艺术和音乐 节目将带你去西非, where you’ll experience an array of cultural performances and traditions.
  • 在我们的 希腊古典戏剧 程序, you’ll study and present classical plays amidst historical architecture and stunning landscapes.
  • 德国当代舞蹈 brings you to the city of Berlin to study and perform in the birthplace of modern Dance.

奥罗拉正在追求她的音乐剧梦想. 帮助她拓展技能, 她在九头蛇学习, 希腊, and came away with a newfound passion for performance and a sense of self-discovery.

“希腊改变了我作为学生、个人和表演者的生活. I was able to do what I love while also taking classes and experiencing rich culture. 当我在那里的时候,我感到很平静.” ——奥罗拉·巴顿,希腊古典剧院


Experience hands-on learning opportunities in the natural sciences by traveling to countries rich in biodiversity and natural resources:

保护是ETHAN的热情所在. 作为一个环境科学专业的学生, he yearned to explore ecology in a new way by studying abroad in 厄瓜多尔. Ethan’s experiences abroad helped shape his degree and expand his knowledge by seeing organisms operate within their natural habitat.

“我的留学经历改变了我的生活. 我学到了很多关于野生动物的知识, vegetation and culture that solidified my love and desire to help preserve our planet.” ——Ethan Tiong,厄瓜多尔热带田野生态学


在社会科学领域, you’ll open doors to new opportunities through immersive cultural experiences throughout Europe and the Middle East:

索菲亚通过探索获得了力量. She chose to maximize her education by studying abroad at the University of Oxford. 并且可以自由地探索这座历史悠久的英国城市, 索菲亚发现自己在尽情享受生活.

“出国留学是我做过的最好的决定. 当世界成为我的教室, I recognized for the first time the magical impact of taking autonomy over your own education.” ——索菲亚·威廉姆斯,牛津大学英国研究所

作为一名教授,迈克明白发现的重要性. 通过在以色列领导一个留学课程, he shapes the itinerary to help students learn about unique natural and cultural sites. 并为学生提供资金,以支付大部分旅行费用, 探索世界从未像现在这样触手可及. 

“当我们教授考古方法时, 学生们还可以了解其他文化, history and modern dilemmas and they meet and befriend people from all over the world. 然而,大多数情况下,他们对自己有了很多了解.” ——Mike Pytlik,以色列考古学院